The perineum is the most sensitive area of the female body. This is explained by the fact that here is the main source of female pleasure – the clitoris and its legs. The labia are also very sensitive, and touching them pleases the vast majority of women. Even if you are satisfied with sex with your partner, and you regularly reach orgasm, it is nice to expand your horizons and discover something new. Once you’ve had sex with a vibrator, you won’t be able to deny yourself the pleasure again.
What are vaginal vibrators?
A vaginal vibrator is an intimate toy that is designed for masturbation or for use with a couple to make it easier for a woman to reach the peak of pleasure. It can have absolutely any form-factor: elongated, oval, with two outlets – it is not important. What matters is that you can easily immerse the device in the vagina and make them progressive movements. In fact, the vibrator may well be used as a dildo, and the vibration function is a nice addition. However, not all vibrators are phallic in shape. Today in the market there are many models, which in their configuration are not similar to the male penis, nevertheless the pleasure can deliver no less. It all depends on what you like best and what kind of experience you want to have.
What are they like?
Vaginal vibrators are a huge group of sex toys. In the table on this page, we have selected the best models for you, and below is a description of the main varieties:
- Phallic shaped – these are vibrators that are shaped like a penis. They can be classic – with a smooth surface, without pronounced features of the penis or realistic – as much as possible resembling a man’s penis;
- With rotation – vibrators whose head is able to rotate in a circle;
- Pulsators are friction vibrators, which imitate the movement of the male penis in action;
- Electric stimulators – such a toy generates electric impulses, and the woman’s body acts as a conductor, receiving them. Of course, you will not experience any pain. The sensations will be pleasant: from a slight tickle to a very intense stimulation;
- Anal-vaginal – allow you to caress not only the crotch, but also the anus. They will appeal to those who have long dreamed of double penetration;
- Rabbits – designed to caress the G-spot, which is located on the front wall of the vagina. Often rabbits are equipped with an additional mini-tip that caresses the clitoris;
- Vibrating Balls, Vibrating Bullets – these are mini vibrators that can not only fondle the clitoris, but can also be used to wear in the body by placing them in the vagina.
Some of the models have remote control, that is, the remote control is included.
Useful Tips for Choosing a Vaginal Vibrator
Try to listen to your own desires, do not be lazy to study the entire range of sex shops, in which you are going to make an order. The toy you are going to order should really like you. A very good indicator is that you get excited and imagine how you will use it. Pay attention to every detail, pay attention to the material, size, number of modes. To get an adequate idea, you should also read the reviews.
Advantages and disadvantages of a vaginal vibrator
It is hardly possible to seriously talk about the disadvantages of the toy, the purpose of which is to give continuous pleasure. Today, the choice of vibrators is so great that if you do not like those that have a phallic shape, you can choose another model, such as a butterfly. All of the devices that are on sale today are reliable and durable. Before entering the market, the manufacturer conducts serious research. The quality of the material, the power of the vibromotor, the modes – all this is thoroughly tested, so whatever model you choose, it will definitely not disappoint you.
So which one to choose?
There are a few proven recommendations that will help you:
- Decide for sure what area you plan to fondle, because the vibrator can be inserted not only in the vagina, but also in the anus, to touch the clitoris. Choose a toy depending on what you want, what kind of pleasure you are interested in.
- Pay attention to the material. The most popular: silicone, metal, plastic, polyamide, polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride.
- If you want to wear the device in your body and use it not only at home, then a vibropool or vibratory egg is just what you need.
- The price tag of vibrators starts at an average of 1 thousand rubles and ends in tens of thousands of rubles.
Tips for use and care
When it comes to practice, remember these tips.
How to use?
- Vibrator can be used both for masturbation alone and for sexual games in a couple, for warming up before the main action, during foreplay. Decide what feels right for you.
- Switch all modes one at a time and choose the one that appeals to you most.
- Start by fondling your clitoris or ask your man to do it.
- Try putting the toy inside or don’t do it – most women are able to reach orgasm when stimulating the clitoris from the outside.
- Use lubricant if necessary.
How to take care of it?
Be sure to wash the gadget after use, as it will leave body secretions and lubricant residue on it. Clean the vibrator in running water with a nonaggressive cleaning agent.
Even if you’re completely satisfied with your sex with your partner the way it is now, it still wouldn’t hurt to try something new. A vibrator is an extremely important thing for girls who are still exploring their sexuality, figuring out what they like and what they don’t like, looking for ways to achieve orgasm quickly. Remember that reasonable experimentation in bed is always a good thing. Using a vibrator is sure to give you new sensations and even help strengthen your relationship and add fire to it.
Can I use my vaginal vibrator for anal stimulation?
You can if you do not immerse it in your body, but stimulate your anus from the outside. If you wish to experience anal penetration, it is advisable to choose a special toy for this purpose.
Does the use of a vibrator cause the sensitivity of the g-spot to deteriorate?
No, on the contrary, frequent use of a vibrator causes regular blood flow to the genitals and improves sensitivity. Also, using a vibrator is a great way to get to know your own body.
Why do I need a vaginal vibrator if I have a regular partner?
To masturbate in private, to explore my own body and figure out what I really like. Denying the importance of intimate toys is probably indicative of having complexes.
Do you need lube when using a vaginal vibrator?
Only if you plunge it deep inside and perform intense friction. If you only fondle the clitoris, you do not need any lubrication.